Florence Wanjiku Florence Wanjiku

The Impact of Noise On Our Quality of Life

In today's world, it's not just about physical noise; there's an unprecedented influx of mental stimulation. We're flooded with emails, texts, news, social media, and more, all demanding our attention. One consequence of informational noise is its impact on our ability to consciously choose how we spend our time. How do you spend your time every day? And how much of that time is spent consciously doing things you want to do?

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Florence Wanjiku Florence Wanjiku

Declutter Your Life

Letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life is like shedding a heavy load. It's incredible how possessions we don't need can actually become a burden, both physically and mentally. Parting ways with these items doesn't just free up physical space but also relieves a sense of mental clutter.

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Florence Wanjiku Florence Wanjiku

A Quiet Life and Why It Matters

Crafting a quiet life requires a daily practice of introspection. By regularly asking ourselves, "Am I living the life I want?" and "What can I do today to create a life that is fully mine?" we take charge of our journey.

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“Creating a quiet living space involves designing an environment that promotes tranquility, relaxation, and a sense of sanctuary”